Psychometric properties of the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) in Ecuadorian Students
HARS, panic, psychological distress, validity, mood disordersAbstract
Anxiety is one of the most common psychological problems in the general population. The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) has been, since 1959, one of the most widely used measures to assess anxiety symptoms in various populations. This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the HARS in the Ecuadorian population. We worked with a non-parametric sample of university students, with a mean age of 20.23 (SD = 2.06) years, where 51% were women. Initially, the factors were explored through the main axes extraction method with promax rotation, two factors were found that explain 40% of the total accumulated variance. After obtaining the extraction, the confirmation of the factorial structure was carried out through the use of robust tests (Robust Weighted Least Squares), confirming the explored factorial solution of two factors (Psychological Anxiety and Somatic Anxiety). The evaluation of internal consistency ensures an adequate relationship between its reagents (α = 0.88). With the evidence obtained, it is concluded that the HARS is a valid measure to assess anxiety in Ecuadorian students.
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