Risk factors analysis in juvenile victims of sexual violence in La Paz-Bolivia
Sexual violence, survivors, victims, social educationAbstract
Sex education in Bolivia through different perspectives, one of them is, in the enactment of Education Law 070 Avelino Siñani-Elizardo Pérez which mandates that community nonschool education in young people be in force, as well as the subsystem of Non-school Education is put into effect in Bolivia. The role of social education is to prevent different types of sexual violence, which necessarily goes through an educational and training process. Therefore, the purpose of this work tries to answer the research question: What are the risk factors that exist in victims of sexual violence? In this last decade in Bolivia, laws (548 and 348) were enacted that sanction this type of crime in favor of women, children and adolescents. In the present investigation, it is proposed from the documentary and archive approach for the general contextualization in a descriptive way and later in a corroborative way between the risk factors and their statistical analysis of these in the applied investigation, where the filling of a form designed for the emptying of a series of interviews with victims of Sexual Violence among the Victims of Commercial Sexual Violence for after systematizing the data with which statistical analysis was carried out in SPSS, having results of different risk factors, Finally, it is concluded that emotional and family factors are the keys in the approach in social education towards this population group.
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