Internal and external validity of the brief questionnaire for coping with stress (COPE-28) in informal caregivers
Informal caregivers, confront, COPE 28Abstract
The objective of this article was to determine the psychometric evidence of the stress coping scale (COPE-28) in informal caregivers of the elderly in Bolivia, the study was a non-experimental, cross-sectional and psychometric design, the sampling was non-probabilistic and at the convenience of the researchers with a sample of 306 people in an age range of 18 to 85 years. The data collection was through a survey application such as Google Forms ©. The results presented appropriate empirical evidence of internal validity (construct, reliability, discriminant) and external (reproducibility). In conclusion, the confront scale for informal caregivers showed adequate psychometric properties, confirming the problem-centered dimension of Lazarus and Folkmann's theory (1985).
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