Problems in living together and couples satisfaction bolivian during the COVID-19 pandemic




Couple, satisfaction, living together, problems


The couple is a dynamic structure made up of an interacting system of two components, which make up a social system that forms the family, the nucleus of socialization. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, changes have been generated in coexistence, allowing problems that affect the functioning of each of the components within the couple itself and other systems. The present investigation consisted of a sample of 325 cohabiting people belonging to different departments of Bolivia. The Spanier Marital Adjustment Scale and the Marital Problems Scale constructed by the researchers were used; both showed optimal levels of reliability. The presence of dissatisfaction due to the use of technological communication resources was evidenced, as well as another problem referred to the distribution of roles in household chores. Likewise, verbal violence has a more accentuated incidence than physical violence, meaning that the more verbal violence the partner has, the greater the dissatisfaction. The influence of satisfaction levels was also detected among the most relevant factors: cultural difference, jealousy, partner's mental illness, own mental illness and finally the partner's alcohol consumption. The inclusion of the spouse in personal activities and the organization of the use of money were established as favorable elements of satisfaction.


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Author Biography

Bismarck Pinto T., Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo"

Doctor en Psicología por la Universidad de Granada - España. Magister en Psicología de la Salud por la Universidad Católica Bolviana. Terapeuta familiar y docente de la Universidad Católica Boliviana (carreras de psicología y ciencias religiosas), coordinador del post grado en terapias breves. Autor de libros y artículos sobre terapia familiar y neuropsicología. Autor de libros de poesía. Estudioso de la obra de Tolkien.


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Problemas en la convivencia y la satisfacción de parejas bolivianas durante la pandemia del COVID-19



How to Cite

Pinto T., B. (2022). Problems in living together and couples satisfaction bolivian during the COVID-19 pandemic. Revista AJAYU, 20(1), 64–88.