Concept and attitudes of love: three generations of La Paz women
Love concept, kind of love, generations, attitude of loveAbstract
Love as a phenomenon has been of interest since ancient times and a fundamental source of study in the continuum, above all in times of crisis and transformations, since love, being a social construct, is subject to changes in response to various factors. La Paz, the seat of government, is the Bolivian city with the most cases of violence against women by their partners. On the other hand, there has been a decrease in the celebration of marriages with an increase in divorces. Along with these ideas, the health emergency due to Covid-19 was added, along with everything that it implied. Results, que foi desenvolvido sob um delineamento transversal e tipologia descritiva, which was developed under a cross-sectional design and descriptive typology, were found on the concept and attitudes of love in La Paz women of generation Y, Z and Boomer, participants who belong to the non-probabilistic type for convenience. Within what was observed, generation Y has a concept of love based on intimacy and an attitude of love storge. As for generation Z, it presents a concept of love based on intimacy and an eros attitude of love. Finally, the Boomer generation showed a concept of love based on commitment and passion and a storge attitude of love. The findings obtained will make possible work and intervention within the clinical area, such as in projects to promote mental health and social well-being in the general population or in those with a concept or attitudes of love that places them at risk.
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