Cranioencephalic trauma due to gunshot wound: case report
Neuropsychology, Brain, Psychology, ShootingAbstract
This study aimed to explore the functional (neuropsychological) and psychological (personality and emotional regulation) effects in a 32-year-old woman, which were caused by a gunshot wound in the right anterior area of the inferior posterior region of the prefrontal cortex. The case study method was applied, with a qualitative approach of descriptive and longitudinal design, evaluated through the Neuropsychological Battery of Executive Functions and Frontal Lobes II (BANFE II), the Depression Scale, Anxiety and Stress Scale in its reduced version (DASS-21), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), the NEO-FFI Personality Inventory, in its reduced version of 60 items, clinical history and a semi-structured interview. Alterations in the functionality and personality of a mild-moderate type were verified, and concerning the emotional state, a depressive level of a severe type could be verified.
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