A dialogue between psychoanalysis and poetry skirting the hole of death


  • María Elena Lora F. Universidad Católica Boliviana




Psychoanalysis, poetry, analytic word, body, death


The work is born between disciplines: Psychoanalysis, Literature, Poetry; a parallelism between Psychoanalysis and poetry is done, based on the work from Edmundo Camargo, ascertaining the invitation from the Psychoanalysis to knit with the word, to make signify beyond the brut fact. The living word says what it does not say, states beyond a metaphor or ‘metaphorizes’ the real. Evidently, this is an interstice in which unconscious and poetry manage to touch each others shared skin folds under a sill. Thus and so, Psychoanalysis and Poetry manage to tell something that can not be told. The analogy between the analytical word and the poetic one: the Analyst reveals in its saying the non correspondence with the word from the other. The analytical word and the poetic word have a way of saying in silence, in gesture, in a whisper, in a small act, in a scansion. Both words do not get registered in the prosaic syntaxis of sayings, they go always beyond and so they constitute themselves in a sphere of significations in the body, they touch it, stir it, create resonances.


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Author Biography

María Elena Lora F., Universidad Católica Boliviana

Psicóloga (PhD). Psicoanalista. Miembro de la Nueva Escuela Lacaniana (AME-NEL) y de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis (AMP).


Heidegger, M. ¿Y para qué poetas? Caminos de bosque, Edit. Alianza, España, 1998. p.18

Camargo, E. Del tiempo de la muerte, Edit. 16 de julio, La Paz, 1964.

Lacan, J. Seminario VI- El deseo y su interpretación, Edit. Paidós, Argentina, 2014. p. 274-275

Lacan, J. Seminario VII-La ética, Edit. Paidós, Argentina, 1991.

Lacan, J. L’insu que sait de l’une-bévue s’aile a’ mourre, Seminario inédito, 1977. Clase: Hacia un significante nuevo.

Laurent, E. Coloquio-Seminario sobre el Seminario 23 de J. Lacan El sinthome, Edit. Grama, Buenos Aires, 2007.

Miller, J. A. Extimidad, Edit. Paidós, Argentina, 2010.

Miller, J. A. El lenguaje aparato del goce, Edit. Diva, Argentina, 2000.

Miller, J. A. Un esfuerzo de poesía, curso inédito, 2003.

Prada, F. La escritura transcursiva de Edmundo Camargo, Edit.Altiplano, La Paz, 1984.

Un diálogo entre psicoanálisis y poesía: bordeando el agujero de la muerte



How to Cite

Lora F., M. E. (2021). A dialogue between psychoanalysis and poetry skirting the hole of death. Revista AJAYU, 19(2), 417–428. https://doi.org/10.35319/ajayu.192194