What is neuroenhancement? Towards an enactive understanding of the phenomenon.





Neuroenhancement, Epistemology


During the last decades, the consumption of psychotropic drugs has been sustained in the world population. Particularly in Latin America, an increase in the consumption of illicit drugs is observable, including psychoactive drugs, mainly in the university population. Self-medication Within the self-medication practices in the university world, we find different social and subjective uses, highlighting among them the use of psychostimulant drugs. in order to enhance academic performance, a practice called neuroenhancement. This way of using the drug calls into question the epistemological gap between the biological sciences and the social sciences, since its understanding is not reducible to any of these paradigms. Human actions always occur in physical and cultural circumstances, where the other and social life, reduce one's own perception and action, in this sense, the question about what neuroenhancement would be, will be possible to address from an epistemology that proposes a framework of understanding and intervention, which takes into account its complex and dynamic nature, as well as scientific and interdisciplinary work.


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Author Biography

Juan Pablo Pinto-Venegas, Universidad Diego Portales

Psicoanalista Argentino.


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What is neuroenhancement? Towards an enactive understanding of the phenomenon



How to Cite

Pinto-Venegas, J. P. (2023). What is neuroenhancement? Towards an enactive understanding of the phenomenon. Revista AJAYU, 21(2), 148–155. https://doi.org/10.35319/ajayu.212215