Neuropsychological dysfunction in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus from metastatic tumor – Clinical Case Study.
NPH, Metastasis, Neuropsychology, Psycho-oncology, NeurologyAbstract
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH) due to a metastatic tumor is a rare neurological disorder. The NPH is characterized by an excess of cerebrospinal fluid accumulated in the ventricular cavities, and in this case, it is caused by metastatic obstruction. We aimed to identify and analyze the neuropsychological changes before and after placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt system. Only one participant was considered for this case study, a 77-year-old who lived in the city of Lisbon. A screening consisting of various subtests of the WISC, the complex figure of Rey, DASS-21, 16PF-5, and a clinical interview was applied. In the preoperative evaluation, significant neuropsychological deficits and emotional regulation changes were verified. Once the shunt was placed, changes in visuospatial memory and depressive symptoms hardly persisted. Significant improvements are verifies due to natural stimulation, however, memory must be rehabilitated and depression treated to minimize the damage.
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