Depression in Bolivian adults during COVID 19 social confinement: Moderating effects of resilience and self-efficacy.
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Depression by confinement, COVID 19, Bolivia, perceived loneliness, anxiety, moderation effectsResumen
The purpose of this research has been to provide information about the psychological effects of confinement forced by a prolonged quarantine in a suitable adult sample of 596 Bolivians of both sexes. It was sought to explore the perceptions of the participants about their own emotional state: fears, anxieties, depressions, while they were in isolation to reduce the probability of contagion of COVID 19. Additionally, we were interested in verifying the modulating effects of resilience and self-efficacy on such emotional states. The results indicated, in the same direction of similar studies, significant relationships between high perceived loneliness, high levels of stress and anxiety, with relatively high levels of depression. Likewise, it was clear that stress, perceived loneliness, and anxiety are predictors of depression among those in conditions of forced isolation. Finally, it was found that both resilience and self-efficacy exert a clear moderating effect by attenuating the relationships of perceived loneliness and anxiety, on depression.
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