Virtual education at home: parental perceptions and family conflict in Bolivia during COVID19




COVID 19, virtual education, parental perceptions, emotional exhaustion, Bolivia


The global health emergency has forced to incorporating profound changes in all societies on earth in order to reduce the risks associated with the onslaught of coronavirus pandemic. One of the most affected areas, in addition to health, has been education at all levels that, in order not to stop altogether, has resorted to remote or virtual education from the safety of homes. In this kind of teaching, parents had to play a central role, providing the conditions to ensure the quality of the process. However, the complexity of the responsibility and the adverse conditions of confinement during pandemic, are factors that affect family dynamics and determine different degrees of conflict. The present study aimed to explore the characteristics of virtual education from home, as well as the effects of parental perceptions, on family conflict. The results show significant relationships between the way of perceiving the educational problem of children, the emotional exhaustion of the parents and the family´s relational climate.


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Author Biographies

Eric Roth, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Boliviano, psicólogo con licenciatura y maestría de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y doctorado en psicología social y métodos por la Universidad de Granada, España.

María Fernanda García, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Licenciada en psicología en la Universidad Católica Boliviana, La Paz, Bolivia.


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La educación virtual en casa: percepciones parentales y conflictividad familiar en Bolivia durante la COVID19



How to Cite

Roth, E., & García, M. F. (2022). Virtual education at home: parental perceptions and family conflict in Bolivia during COVID19. Revista AJAYU, 20(1), 123–142.