Individual systemic therapy process in a 54-year-old woman, divorceed and in collusion with her ex-husband
Collusion, divorce, systemic therapy, dependent disorderAbstract
The present case study allows us to know the collusion that a 54-year-old patient is experiencing, divorced for three years. It can be seen that in her family history the disqualification of the mother and the indifference of the father help the patient to develop a dependent personality disorder that later, when forming a couple, comes to collide with a narcissistic personality disorder. Thus, she lived together for about twenty-five years until one day her husband told her that he no longer loved her and that it would be best if they divorced. She is devastated at the news but has no choice but to accept her husband's decision. After the divorce and in order that the children are not so estranged from the father, they agree to have lunch together on Sundays, which becomes a circle of contradictions and indecisions, since on the one hand there are the disqualifications in the lunches from the former husband for later when they are alone to persuade her that if they reconcile she would have a better life both emotionally and financially. The reason you seek psychotherapy is to understand what is happening to you.
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