Characteristics of the Socialization of Children in Sectarian Family Contexts
El Rol de las Figuras Parentales Según su Estilo Básico de Relación/Educación.
Sons, Sect, Socialization, AbuseAbstract
The specialized literature on "sects" attributes the negative aspects observed in minors assigned to "sects" to the effect of group manipulation. But this investigation questions that victimist vision and highlights the importance of the psychosocial and socializing profile of parental figures to explain these negative aspects. The socialization of minors in families affiliated with groups of beliefs perceived as radical or sectarian is analyzed. The “family with sectarian parentality” is defined, characterized by its great proclivity towards limiting, harmful and abusive behaviors. It is shown that sectarian parental affiliation negatively affects the quality of intrafamily relationships and roles, socializing behaviors, and the experiences, behaviors and psychosocial profile of the children. But it is concluded that these family patterns and negative experiences detected are more interrelated with parental styles of relationship / education of authoritarian and / or indifferent type - predominant in affiliated families - than with the fact of being affiliated with a “sect”, although Some group typologies can increase harmful effects that are already their own and expected under each socializing style.
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