Migrations and Effects on Subjectivity, Today


  • Piedad Ortega de Spurrier Nueva Escuela Lacaniana de Psicoanálisis


forced displacements, Postmodernity, subjectivity, Father's name, family


Armed conflicts and poverty are not the only motives for migration. At present, subjects escape everything that no longer guarantees their rights as citizens or that no longer brings them satisfaction. Which, in a consumer society happens frequently. That is to say, in “forced” displacements, not only extreme risk conditions are at stake, but also the subjectivity of each individual; there is something of the subject's desire that seeks to create something new. The postmodern discourse that “everything has an expiration date” as well as the weakening of the father's function and weakening of the links makes the survival of the family and the family more and more difficult. society. Given this, what is the role of the psychoanalyst in the new coordinates of the time? Is it pertinent to advocate for the return to the father or not? What is the use value that can be given to the name of the father, if we take into account his essential role around the desire and enjoyment of the subject?


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Author Biography

Piedad Ortega de Spurrier, Nueva Escuela Lacaniana de Psicoanálisis

Doctora en Psicología Clínica, Presidenta regional de la Nueva EscuelaLacaniana de Psicoanálisis, de América Andina y el Caribe. Psicoanalista miembro de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis, AME, ex directora de la Escuela de Psicología de la Universidad Católica de Guayaquil, Profesora universitaria, Asesora de proyectos de atención al niño y la familia. Miembro fundador de la Fundación Comunicar para personas con Autismo.

Piedad Ortega de Spurrier es editora de la revista virtual de Psicoanálisis TheWannabe y miembro del consejo editorial de la revista virtual Rayuela de Psicoanálisis con niños y adolescentes de la Nueva RedCereda, diagonal hispanohablante.



How to Cite

Ortega de Spurrier, P. (2013). Migrations and Effects on Subjectivity, Today. Revista AJAYU, 11(1), 109–117. Retrieved from https://ajayu.ucb.edu.bo/a/article/view/153