COVID-19: Death alone - Isolation, fear of contagion and mourning in a pandemic




Pandemic, Loneliness, Isolation, Uncertainty, Death, COVID 19


Since COVID-19 broke out on our planet, human beings have had to change their rhythm of life, customs, styles of relationship and begin to adapt to new forms of daily life. Fear, anxiety, anguish and loneliness, increased by uncertainty, are feelings that were born not only by the danger of contagion, but by the main method of protection: social isolation. Confinement abruptly, cut off the social contact that constitutes one of the inherent manifestations of human nature. But the loneliness of others is not only produced by quarantine but, in situations of serious contagion, where were hospitalizations, visits are strictly prohibited as a precautionary measure. Precisely in  the moments of greatest disability and impotence, where the hug and the caress are most needed, all possibility of relationship is forbidden. In the case of the death of the patient, death occurs in total loneliness and, for their loved ones, the impossibility of saying goodbye, that is, managing to say goodbye as a resource to close the bond with the person.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Ceberio, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Psicólogo argentino. Es conocido como terapeuta sistémico, autor de numerosos libros y artículos, investigación en ciencias sociales y neurociencias y como cofundador de la Escuela Sistémica Argentina.


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COVID-19: La muerte en soledad - Aislamiento, miedo al contagio y duelo en pandemia



How to Cite

Ceberio, M. (2021). COVID-19: Death alone - Isolation, fear of contagion and mourning in a pandemic. Revista AJAYU, 19(2), 248–268.