Love, romance, and romantic myths in music in a group of women from the city of La Paz, Bolivia
Love, Romance, Music, Romantic Myths, Young WomenAbstract
Music is a medium that nurtures culture through the transmission of messages, archetypes, and norms of action, mainly in young people. Among the transmitted contents through music, the concept of romantic love can be found. This concept, at the same time, influences the conceptions that young people have about what it means to be in a couple. That is why we need to delimit the concept of love, romance, and romantic myths in music from the perspective of 12 young women from the city of La Paz, Bolivia. This study started with a qualitative approach with an interpretive framework that uses 3 focus groups to collect information. As result, it is found that love is defined as a feeling, interaction, or connection with the other, something chemical and based on learning where self-love stands out. Romance is based on expressions of affection where an interaction between two people is found. The most prominent romantic myths are impossible love, love is everything in my life, love is suffering, love that can do everything, and conditioned love. While the ones less mentioned are unique love, the perfect love, love at first sight, physical or sexual love and, possessive love. These configure the actions of women and will be part of romantic love, recognized and reproduced by the participants when they are exposed to romantic songs that belong to “popular culture”.
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