Analysis of the perceptions and concerns of adolescents in relation to child violence




perception, child violence, protective environment, protection system


The purpose of this contribution is to describe the perception of adolescents about the situation of violence against children (boys and girls) in Bolivia. Through surveys and focus groups in 20 urban and rural municipalities, data of the situation of violence and the response of the family and institutional environment were obtained. The most important findings show that adolescents perceive the family environment as the most dangerous, that the school intervention against violence is not enough, and that complaints usually do not prosper. However, the parents are considered as the main intervention agents and when a case is opened due to violence, it is the Ombudsman who acts in a more outstanding way. Among the causes found, deficient or poor interpersonal communication predominates, with low self-esteem being the main consequence. Fathers and stepfathers are usually perceived as the most violent. Likewise, most young people think that we are all affected when there is violence, although women are more vulnerable than men.


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Author Biographies

Natalie Guillén, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Boliviana, docente Investigador del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias del Comportamiento de la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”

Paloma Gutiérrez León, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Boliviana, responsable del proyecto de investigación internacional "Conociendo la percepción de niñas, niños, adolescentes y su entorno más próximo, sobre el bienestar de la niñez". Actualmente trabaja como psicóloga clínica en la atención a usuarios del servicio de call center del Proyecto "Familia Segura" de Unicef-Bolivia. Es especialista en atenciones terapéuticas a niñas, niños y adolescentes en situación de marginación social.

Marcela Losantos, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Boliviana, coordinadora del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias del Comportamiento, docente de posgrado en la Especialidad y la Maestría de Terapia Familiar de la carrera de Psicología y Coordinadora nacional del Programa de Cooperación interuniversitaria VLIR-UOS en la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”.

Carla Andrade, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Boliviana, investigadora en Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias del Comportamiento.


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 Análisis de las percepciones y preocupaciones de adolescentes con relación a la violencia infantil



How to Cite

Guillén, N., Gutiérrez León, P., Losantos, M., & Andrade, C. (2020). Analysis of the perceptions and concerns of adolescents in relation to child violence. Revista AJAYU, 18(1), 185–213.

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