Brief therapy focused on solutions applied to the case of a person diagnosed with HIV / AIDS
Brief Solution-Centered Therapy, HIV AIDSAbstract
The objective of the present investigation was to apply the brief solution-centered therapy (TBCS) to the case of a young woman diagnosed with HIV / AIDS. For this, the case study of a 24-year-old girl was used, diagnosed approximately one month ago in relation to the start of therapy. 5 therapeutic sessions were carried out, in which TBCS techniques were used, such as the search for exceptions, compliments and compliments, the miracle question, the empty chair, outsourcing, improvement evaluation scales, among some that proved to be effective within the therapy. The results demonstrated the evolution and improvement that the patient was having during the therapeutic sessions, which allowed her to acquire, reinforce and regulate her coping resources before her situation and, in this way, strengthen her resilience and self-esteem capacity . Therefore, through this case it is concluded that the practice supports and validates the theoretical concepts of this therapeutic approach, so it is hoped that in the future it can become the basis of a comprehensive care model for this population group that requires it .
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