Adaptation and validation into Spanish of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI): evidence of internal validity and factorial Invariance




Psychological Flexibility , Adaptation, Validation, Psychometric Properties, Confirmatory Factor Analysis


This study aims to assess the psychometric properties and internal consistency of the Spanish version of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI) within a general population of Argentina. A total of 866 participants with ages between 18 and 84 years (M = 47.33; SD = 17.26) and of both sexes (Men = 40.9%; Women = 59.1%) participated in the main study. A 2-factor higher-order model resulted in acceptable fit indices (NFI = .97; NNFI = .98; CFI = .98; IFI = .98; RMSEA .41). The Spanish MPFI also demonstrated both weak (metric) and strong (scalar) factor invariance when compared to the English MPFI given to a United States sample (N = 1630; 18 to 85 years old, M = 50.1, SD = 18.7; 77.0% identifying as women; 86.6% White). Results indicated an acceptable internal consistency in all factors (ω >.74). The adaptation into Spanish of the MPFI presents 60 and 24 items similar to those proposed by the original authors and adequate psychometric properties in the study sample. Regarding its limitations, it should be noted that results only report the factor structure -factor validity- and the internal consistency -reliability- of the MPFI, which is only a first exploratory approach in adapting the scale to the local context. For this reason, future research should continue to explore the psychometric properties of the MPFI in Argentina.


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Author Biographies

Hugo Simkin, Universidad de Buenos Aires

For the last years, I've been teaching and researching the impact of migration on mental health. My research is focused on ex-pats around the world dealing with mental or emotional issues, such as anxiety, depression, trauma-related disorders, grief, or relationship problems. Here, you will find comprehensive information about my current research interests and teaching experience.

Agustin Freiberg-Hoffmann, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Trabajo en el diseño y/o adaptación de instrumentos psicométricos que evalúan variables psicoeducativas en estudiantes universitarios. Además, mis investigaciones contemplan en análisis de distintas variables psicoeducativas en relación al rendimiento académico.

Gabriela Caselli, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza

Comunicadora,  especializada en Comunicación Interna. Co-fundé Vector C ( Argentina (2011) y España (2016), y actualmente es Directora de proyectos Latam. Ha desarrollado sui carrera profesional como consultora de importantes compañías multinacionales. A través de la comunicación busca generar valor a la organización tanto para el negocio como para sus públicos. Valora la constante actualización profesional y compartir mejores prácticas con colegas, por eso tiene una intensa actividad como escritora, docente y disertante.

Paola Prozzillo, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Investigadora Argentina.

Ronald D. Rogge, University of Rochester

Ron Rogge es un miembro de la facultad clínica de la Universidad de Rochester, cuya investigación se centra en la comprensión de la dinámica dentro de las relaciones románticas y las familias.

Kelly G. Wilson, University of Mississippi

Kelly G. Wilson es profesor asistente en la Universidad de Mississippi y director del Centro para Psicología Contextual de dicha universidad; también es autor de varios libros y numerosos artículos y capítulos sobre los fundamentos empíricos, teóricos y filosóficos de ACT.


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Adaptation and validation into Spanish of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI): evidence of internal validity and factorial Invariance



How to Cite

Simkin, H., Freiberg-Hoffmann, A., Caselli, G., Prozzillo, P., Rogge, R. D., & Wilson, K. G. (2023). Adaptation and validation into Spanish of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI): evidence of internal validity and factorial Invariance. Revista AJAYU, 21(2), 111–130.