MSPE intervention program (Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement) to increase the sports performance of a bowling player


  • Giandré Manuel Iturri Miranda Universidad Católica Boliviana
  • Jaime Gómez Lafuente Universidad Católica Boliviana



mindfulness, psychology, sport, bowling


The purpose of the research was to determine if the application of the intervention program MSPE (Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement), which is a program that trains the ability of mindfulness, can increase the sports performance of a bowling player in the city of La Paz. To achieve this, it was intervened with a bowling player who was chosen for convenience. The methodological design that was used was the A-B-B' with tracing. From the analysis of the data, it was found that during the application of the MSPE intervention program, there was an increase in the sports performance of the subject, however, this was not significant. On the other hand, it was found that after the application of the MSPE program, a significant increase in the subject's performance was obtained. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected and the research hypothesis was accepted, which states that the implementation of the MSPE intervention program improves the sports performance of a bowling player.


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Author Biographies

Giandré Manuel Iturri Miranda, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Bolivia, licenciado en Psicología de la UCB - Sede La Paz

Jaime Gómez Lafuente, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Boliviano, psicólogo, docente tiempo completo en la UCB - sede La Paz.  Facilitador de procesos organizacionales como Trabajo en Equipo, Liderazgo, Clima Organizacional, Desarrollo de Organizaciones Saludables y desarrollo del Engagement.


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Programa de intervención MSPE (Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement) para incrementar el rendimiento deportivo de un jugador de bowling



How to Cite

Iturri Miranda, G. M., & Gómez Lafuente, J. (2020). MSPE intervention program (Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement) to increase the sports performance of a bowling player. Revista AJAYU, 18(1), 152–184.