Spanish adaptatoin and validation of the Zoll & Enz´s Empathy Questionnaire in bolivian children
Empathy Questionnaire,, adaptation, validation, Bolivian childrenAbstract
The aim of the present paper is to adapt and validate the Empathy Questionnaire (EQ) designed by Zoll & Enz (2005), in a sample of Bolivian children, aged between 8 and 14 years. The original questionnaire was designed to measure both cognitive and affective empathy through 28 items in a five-point scale distributed in two factors. The EQ adapted and validated in Bolivia was reduced to 17 items, nine to measure the affective scale and 8 to assess the cognitive scale. With this structure, the instrument showed adequate values of reliability and factorial validity which leads us to confirm that the EQ is an adequate instrument to measure the empathy in this population. Likewise, the confirmatory factorial analysis also showed an adequate adjustment of the metric model with acceptable values of model fit, adequate parsimony and especially, a Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) that satisfies the minimum requirements of adjustment to the population covariance matrix.
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