Intersubjective construction of the notions of law, norm and justice in adolescents deprived of liberty
Social construction, reality, intersubjectivity, adolescence, adolescents in conflict with the law, law, rule, Justice, symbolic interactionismAbstract
The present investigation tries to investigate the intersubjective construction of the notions of Law, Norm and Justice, and the differences and relations between them, in adolescents deprived of liberty. Based on psychological, social and anthropological theories of the social construction of reality, it aims to delve into the process of building these notions in their objective and subjective dimensions, highlighting the importance of their study in certain groups, in terms of an approach based on the interaction of the individual and their context. Starting from the fact that the social world is constructed of meanings and symbols, intersubjectivity will be considered a fundamental part of qualitative research and the basis for investigating the meanings of the aforementioned concepts in a reflexive way, in their individual and collective dimensions. In this way, from these constructions, the dynamics of interaction between adolescents and their environment can be discovered, in this case a center of deprivation of liberty for adolescents in conflict with the law. The study was conducted with 19 male adolescents deprived of liberty, ranging from 12 to 18 years of age.
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