Evolution of the psychological contract and the organizational commitment to age and seniority
Psychological Contract, Organizational commitment, age, antiquity, scale epsilonAbstract
The present work is a deepening of the thesis research prepared by Solares (2012) who focused on establishing the relationships between the Organizational Commitment and the Psychological Contract with data from 85 employees of two Insurance Companies in the city of La Paz . The purpose of this article is to introduce the Age and Age variables in these relationships. Previous research that maintains that the time factor interacts effectively with the Commitment and the Psychological Contract. The general conclusion of this study argues that, while the links of individuals with their organizations are dynamic relationships, they are particularly susceptible to the passage of time. The results showed that at a higher age there was a greater degree of commitment, a relationship expressed with more intensity in the Continuation component. Regarding seniority in the organization, it was observed that as seniority increased, the initial solidity of the Psychological Contract (both types: Relational and Transactional) deteriorated, however, a recovery was observed once over 7 years old.
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